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It's a Matter of Trust

It is a bright and cheerful office; more practical than palatial. Sticky notes, every colour of the rainbow and all shapes and sizes, ensure task lists are kept in check.

Pens and pencils are plentiful, eliminating excuses by providing basic yet necessary spares. Textbooks and framed university degrees adorn the shelves creating confidence. Trust and respect don't just come with the sign on the door, it must be earned and reinforced day by day.

A highly organised and well-dressed leader sits at a desk. Two computer screens provide ample opportunity for spreadsheet generation and sporadic attention to an email trail that remains unresolved. The leader is guided by an unrelenting and courageous moral compass, demonstrating commitment and focus as a result.

"Why are you here today?" the leader asks a youngster who dramatically announces their arrival after being relocated for respite.

"No idea," offers the youngster, slouching in a chair to avoid discussion.

"Let me know when you're ready to talk about it," the leader replies, before returning to one of the monitors displaying a difficult scenario. The daily grind must continue; there is plenty to accomplish as the stalemate drags on. Some youngsters are talkative and opinionated, some just call in for a chat, while others are sent against their wishes and skilled at the waiting game. Colleagues also drop by, although the exchange is brief due to work demands.

In the bright and cheerful office, senses are heightened yet under control; this is a time to remain patient.

"He's an idiot," suggests the youngster. The leader pauses, permitting the comment to stew before responding.

"That's not an opinion which will allow us to resolve this matter," the leader eventually replies. "But he is an idiot," the youngster retorts.

Silence befalls the office. It is broken when the leader defends, "he is not an idiot, he is a highly intelligent and capable staff member".

"Huh! You're not there every day!" the youngster exclaims. "That's quite correct," says the leader, "but I do spend every single day trying to help, and I have many discussions with staff. I also speak with you - a lot".

Silence resumes, although a far more relaxed facial expression now accompanies the youngster. The leader returns to the task at hand, which should have been finished yesterday. In the bright and cheerful office, the youngster breaks the hush, "I need to tell you something". "What's that? "asks the leader, turning to face the youngster. "I need your help," the youngster reluctantly admits.

"That's my job. Tell me what has happened so we can try and fix the problem."

"I don't have any food and it is hard to concentrate. He made a joke, in front of the class, asking me if I had red cordial for breakfast because I couldn't focus.

Did you forget your lunch, or didn't have time to make it this morning?" the leader inquires. "No food left at home. I made lunch for my brother and sister and I missed out." "Why didn't you tell me that 15 minutes ago?" the leader gently presses.

"I was embarrassed, and he made me feel stupid and poor," the youngster answers with a heartfelt, yet predictable, response.

"You are none of those things," the leader reassures. "Would you like me to make you a sandwich?" "Nah, I can wait." "It's probably best if you went back to class then, but I want to see you at lunchtime," the leader reassures. The leader promises to work discreetly with staff to ensure they understand and support the family. The leader, who is a teacher, school leader, and principal acknowledges that the trust promised must never be broken. The leader expresses to a young colleague, who dropped by to ask a question during the negotiations, that this job is an absolute privilege with acts of decision making, guidance, and kindness influencing youngsters, perhaps, for the rest of their lives.

"As school leaders, we have to be our very best every single day, we can't let them down," the leader concludes.

In the bright and cheerful office, a moment of clarity has blissfully interrupted a hectic day.