Posts in News

Yet, as its more fulsome term, brainrot, describes "excessive consumption of TikTok content leads to decreased attention spans and mental fatigue."

It's fair to say, as parents, we don't always model the best of behaviours to our offspring.

The truth is, I'll be rewatching Bridgerton's episodes having missed so much due to distractions that are extremely difficult to control.

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The War Medal

The Irish Census of 1901 and 1911 were the only two complete records to survive, which makes searching for family history far more complicated.

However, it was at this time that I came across my great-grandfather's service records; the first I have been able to locate although perhaps not even the first veteran in our family.

Frederick William Allen enlisted with Royal Irish Dragoon Guards on March 14, 1874. Remarkably, he was just 14 years and 10 months and would become an army trumpeter.

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"Shake It Off"

Women and girls - unashamedly, yes - as a collective - assertive, empowered, and most telling of all, safe.

Safe to walk to the MCG, safe to line-up, safe to engage with fellow fans who they may not have known, and safe to be overcome with emotion. They were free to express themselves; free of judgement, free of society's expectation to conform, and free to move and sing and jump and hug and cry and experience a state of utter happiness for three-and-a-half hours.

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