I Call Bullshit!

To make matters even worse, Mr. Ellis' choice of calculated words were uttered following his government's response to the damming Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government's Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings, which highlighted that young Tasmanians have been wronged in public institutions for decades.

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"Shake It Off"

Women and girls - unashamedly, yes - as a collective - assertive, empowered, and most telling of all, safe.

Safe to walk to the MCG, safe to line-up, safe to engage with fellow fans who they may not have known, and safe to be overcome with emotion. They were free to express themselves; free of judgement, free of society's expectation to conform, and free to move and sing and jump and hug and cry and experience a state of utter happiness for three-and-a-half hours.

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Frisson In The Paddock

Last Friday proved a hot Tasmanian summer's day - 29 degrees at its peak.

It was the type of day that is unexpected by mainlanders, particularly those taking the stage, who were quick to point out that they didn't realise Tasmania could get so hot.

The words they used were choice but the description apt as the strength of the sun with very low humidity baked all and sundry.

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