Posts tagged Republic
It ain't our pomp and ceremony...

In Wednesday's The Examiner editorial titled Monarchy's crucial role in our identity, the following was offered:

"In some respects the pageantry of the modern monarchy can actually be seen as a symbol of the triumph of the people over those who claim to have arbitrary powers."

Sorry, what? The pageantry of the modern monarchy is pomp and ceremony which fails to symbolise triumph against arbitrary power when the head of state is born to reign.

Nor does pageantry preach that a constitutional monarchy is power to the people.

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It Remains Complicated

When the news broke on August 31 1997 that Princess Diana had died, Mrs. W then Miss B and I were standing in my parents' house glued to an old Phillips television furniture piece that still required a regular visit from the repairman.

It was utterly devastating. My father wept openly. And when he did the same while watching her funeral on the same television, it was as intriguing as it was sad.

He continued, until his death, to hold Queen Elizabeth partially responsible. It was complicated.

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