Posts tagged crowds
#187 We don't want this in Australia

They are accused of 'loading up' on alcohol before the game. This makes sense because mid-strength beer served at the MCG on a cold autumn evening is more likely to cause long lines at the toilets rather than fights.

But, if football codes don't act quickly and bring behaviour under control, I know where it ends.

Segregated crowds have been part of association football for decades, particularly across Europe.

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Test Cricket and the Temptress

Approaching our 20th wedding anniversary I want to tell you about my first love - test cricket.

A passion so difficult to describe that it raises the ire of those devoid of similar desire.

Watching or listening to every ball of a test match is blissfully right, full of expectation and contentment. It's a muse that demands attention.

My greedy love affair has rarely been in question. A fleeting fancy with one day cricket and modified formats like Twenty20 momentarily grabbed my attention, but both were unable to secure my affection.

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