Posts tagged learning
You are not Conor McGregor

There is a level of frustration and passion bordering on anger that inevitably bubbles to the surface when I read that families are threatening educators at schools across Tasmania in record numbers.

Verbal and physical aggression often born of frustration are not responses appropriate to environments determined to model and build community. In fact, they are not appropriate in most environments.

Fight for your kids, but do not fight those desperate to make a difference - our teachers and support staff.

You are not UFC legend Conor McGregor; you are your child's partner in education and along with love this partnership is the most important role you will ever play.

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I Still Lose Myself to a Good...Book Week...

And since the end of World War II parents and guardians have been hyperventilating about ideas and preparation of costumes for primary school book parades with peak stress hitting at around 7pm the evening before.

What have you organised? What time is the parade? Who are your friends going as? You do understand the theme? We have left it too late ...

The questions and frustrated statements and guilt and panic continue creating all manner of hullabaloo.

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