Posts tagged parenting
#173 "You Sunk My Battleship..."

Years ago, I traded the board games Monopoly and Battleships to my older brother for games of cricket.

They are yet to be returned.

Both games were gifted by Santa Claus, bright and shiny and full of promise with crisp cash notes distributed and naval destroyers placed in waters that would, hopefully, be undetectable to radar, sonar, and the latest ‘guessing’ technology.

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Boy Lost Community Found

When a young person went missing in Launceston last week, emergency services and the community hastily mobilised to search. There were relatives and friends and acquaintances and those unknown to the family joining the party.

None of us would feel surprised because this is what we do. When someone is in trouble or the chips are down, we come together and help.

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There is something very special about our young people.

Living on an island where close knit communities remain the norm, more commonly asserted as everyone knows each other, they share a bond that makes them proudly Tasmanian and fiercely loyal.

They are strong-minded and resolute and clear about democracy and injustice. Gone are the days where compliance is the most admirable quality. Questioning, expressing views, and thinking differently about challenges and issues are admired and highly sought after by employers.

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