Posts in Sketch

At 1.30am on Saturday morning April 6, 1929, Percy was woken from the briefest of naps by the clock from the post office in Cameron Street, the bell from the United Fire Brigade in Brisbane Street, and his frantic yet purposeful parents telling them that they had to leave.

They had gone to bed in their clothes, their warmest clothes, just in case.

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There is no I in Team(s)

Readers - there is a relatively new way of working that has become the norm.

There are words for this type of behaviour - Zoom and Teams. Before COVID we used phones on speaker or Facetime to cater for our distant colleagues. Not anymore.

The saying goes "there is no I in Team(s)", but there is certainly one in Microsoft!

And Zoom Zoom Zoom is no longer a chant for encouraging toddlers to play with Matchbox cars nor the slogan that once reminded you to purchase a Mazda.

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