Posts tagged East Coast Tasmania
#176 A selfie with a dairy cow

Dairy cows are interesting but not worthy of a photo unless your number plate gives away your hometown and you are visiting from "The Education State", "Sunshine State", or "The Nation's Capital".

The cows, determined to "Explore the possibilities", are just as relaxed as Tasmanians in general.

But when interstate tourists take family selfies with Holstein Friesian heifers in the background you know that some things are getting back to quirky normal.

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A Winter's Chair

Sitting in a chair designed to fold adorned by winter sun with the warming glow keeping me company, I was beset with an unfamiliar realisation that I had nothing to do.

Absolutely nothing.

Nowhere to be. Nothing requiring my focus. No tasks to complete. No immediate responsibility for staff.

My family were content and healthy, and my mobile phone was out of reach.

There were caravans arranged in methodical fashion, creating shelter and privacy - not that it was needed.

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My Peeps

The setting is not a location that we ever thought would feel comfortable.

Mobile houses crammed in with tents and swags and gazebos taking up the remaining space. A community with unspoken rules that you dare not break for threat of eviction.

A sense of privacy created by strategically parking cars and hanging washing on a mobile clothesline. Just enough to shield fellow holidaymakers from any tiffs that inevitably ensue when living close together.

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