Posts tagged Tasmania
#176 A selfie with a dairy cow

Dairy cows are interesting but not worthy of a photo unless your number plate gives away your hometown and you are visiting from "The Education State", "Sunshine State", or "The Nation's Capital".

The cows, determined to "Explore the possibilities", are just as relaxed as Tasmanians in general.

But when interstate tourists take family selfies with Holstein Friesian heifers in the background you know that some things are getting back to quirky normal.

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"And the wind owes me nothing"

At times, there is a story for every occasion. I just must remember not to tell the same one twice. At other times there is nothing.

Writing fulfils me, but I do not profess to be any good.

Writing makes me happy as much as it tends to frustrate.

Selfishly, I did not set out for people to read my column.

"Think I've nailed it this week," I proclaim to Mrs W.

"You say that every week," she laments.

And that's why readers owe me nothing.

Here's to the next 150.

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The Author and the Fish

Flanagan explained his rationale when he told a recent audience at Launceston's Star Théâtre, as part of the Tamar Valley Writers Festival via livestream from the Sydney Writers’ Festival, that it was to protect the book from legal suppression from the salmon industry.

And sadly, we will now walk a well-trodden path with Tasmania divided by another industry, and it will not be long before we are at war again.

Flanagan expanded that the hydro and forestry wars were due to a power imbalance in the Tasmanian community, and a desire to search for space - a culture inspired by First Nations people.

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My Peeps

The setting is not a location that we ever thought would feel comfortable.

Mobile houses crammed in with tents and swags and gazebos taking up the remaining space. A community with unspoken rules that you dare not break for threat of eviction.

A sense of privacy created by strategically parking cars and hanging washing on a mobile clothesline. Just enough to shield fellow holidaymakers from any tiffs that inevitably ensue when living close together.

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Don't be a Spud!

This is nothing at all against Redback (South Australian) primary producers, but it is their Shiraz we crave, not their spuds.

The campaign slogans roll as quickly as melted butter off freshly boiled pink eyes: Save our Spuds; As Tassie as Spuds; Support our Spud Farmers; For Spuds' Sake; Potatoes before Politics; Proud as Potatoes; Give Stink eyes over Pink Eyes.

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Chair Lifting

It must be more than 30 years since I was a customer on Launceston's Cataract Gorge Scenic Chairlift. In fact, we simply referred to the attraction as the Basin chairlift in the late 1980s.

On that occasion my brother and I witnessed a young reveller, who would perhaps now feature on the Facebook page Chit Chat Launceston, attempting to impress his girlfriend by leaping form the chair into the tree rhododendrons close to the arrival point on the Trevallyn side.

The consequence of this stunt was violently swinging chairs for those who followed with a quick exit required to regain composure once the platform was clear.

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