Posts tagged John Batman
Weeds in our Pavers

Weeds grow through our pavers at home.

Paspalum and dandelions, and grass that belongs in the lawn.

Glyphosate sorts them out, but they take a week to die.

Dying weeds hanging on littering our pavers is frustrating. It is also ugly.

Glyphosate is not a safe chemical, but it does the job.

The weeds die and they eventually disappear.

They are forgotten about until they grow back.

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Tasmania's Special Places: His name was not Jacob

His name was not Jacob, but he felt at home on a ladder.

A Jacob's Ladder can be found in several forms across the world. From a pedestrian staircase in Brisbane and a bridge in New Zealand to a scenic path in Scotland and a section of Route 20 in the US.

It is also the name of a 1990 horror film, a three-part pocketknife, and a spiritual song of African American slaves.

The origin of Jacob's Ladder comes from a passage in the King James Version of the Holy Bible from The Book of Genesis: Chapter 28 Verse 12 which states: "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

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