Posts tagged Lau
Weeds in our Pavers

Weeds grow through our pavers at home.

Paspalum and dandelions, and grass that belongs in the lawn.

Glyphosate sorts them out, but they take a week to die.

Dying weeds hanging on littering our pavers is frustrating. It is also ugly.

Glyphosate is not a safe chemical, but it does the job.

The weeds die and they eventually disappear.

They are forgotten about until they grow back.

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Chair Lifting

It must be more than 30 years since I was a customer on Launceston's Cataract Gorge Scenic Chairlift. In fact, we simply referred to the attraction as the Basin chairlift in the late 1980s.

On that occasion my brother and I witnessed a young reveller, who would perhaps now feature on the Facebook page Chit Chat Launceston, attempting to impress his girlfriend by leaping form the chair into the tree rhododendrons close to the arrival point on the Trevallyn side.

The consequence of this stunt was violently swinging chairs for those who followed with a quick exit required to regain composure once the platform was clear.

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