Posts tagged equity
'The poorer they were, the faster they ran!'

There is no more prudent investment than spending money on junior sporting facilities.

The University of Tasmania (Thomas, Cruickshank, and Patterson) longitudinal study of Tasmanian primary schools from 2009 to 2019 found that, “…regardless of size, there was a direct correlation between a school’s relative educational advantage and its success in running carnivals. The richer they were, the faster they ran.”

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Secret Men's Business

There is an exclusive Sydney based institution known as the Australian Club where captains of industry, politics, and influence gather to enjoy each other's company.

Members can invite female guests, but females cannot be members themselves. The Australian Club was founded in 1838 enabling businessmen to meet, unwind, and cogitate the issues of the day.

But doesn't it sound rather splendid?

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