Posts tagged sport
'The poorer they were, the faster they ran!'

There is no more prudent investment than spending money on junior sporting facilities.

The University of Tasmania (Thomas, Cruickshank, and Patterson) longitudinal study of Tasmanian primary schools from 2009 to 2019 found that, “…regardless of size, there was a direct correlation between a school’s relative educational advantage and its success in running carnivals. The richer they were, the faster they ran.”

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#186 'Paint The Town Green'

The JackJumpers franchise is Tasmania's new muse. Don't worry about AFL Colours Day - that's done for now - the brand mucked around for so long that they were stung. Instead, head to the socials and check out how school kids committed to Paint the Town Green in JackJumpers colours and made the AFL green with envy in the process. Now that's a movie I would watch over and over again.

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#181 The 'Blues...'

My sporting career was hampered by this dreaded rise in temperature that interrupted weekends and often resulted in a migraine.

There are mildly mannered Australians; hard-working tradespeople and teachers and surgeons and librarians who spend their working week making a difference and their weekends making mischief.

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#167 When too much sport is perhaps too much...

Many years ago, I could not wait for summer. The anticipation of longer days and sunlit evenings, which meant permission to hang at the Basin pool acting cool, was almost too much to bear.

But it was not just the Cataract Gorge nor the burning sun on pale skin of Northern Irish heritage that generated excitement, rather, it was the sound and smell of cricket.

The stale pong of a kit bag neatly put away at the end of the previous season with sweat remaining in the fabric from hands and legs seeping into protective wear.

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The Green Machine

It is a thirst for motor sport that dictates the attire of die-hard fans. Polyester blend fashion wear celebrating names like Mostert, De Pasquale, Davison, Whincup, and ‘Frosty’ Winterbottom are resplendent in bold print, often accompanied by flags waving in the breeze from cars parked on the hill with punters excited to watch exploits at the famous tight corner known as Brambles Hairpin.

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