Posts tagged football
"The Beautiful Game"

The socials blew up with crass and sexist comments thinly disguised as appreciation of attractiveness or a play on words. It demonstrated a level of casual sexism, focussing more on a player's appearance and physical characteristics than the goal, which, for a football mad country, the perennial underachievers, brought them their first major trophy in more than 50 years.

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#167 When too much sport is perhaps too much...

Many years ago, I could not wait for summer. The anticipation of longer days and sunlit evenings, which meant permission to hang at the Basin pool acting cool, was almost too much to bear.

But it was not just the Cataract Gorge nor the burning sun on pale skin of Northern Irish heritage that generated excitement, rather, it was the sound and smell of cricket.

The stale pong of a kit bag neatly put away at the end of the previous season with sweat remaining in the fabric from hands and legs seeping into protective wear.

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