Posts tagged perspective
#179 It's All About Perspective

Self-indulgence scares the life out of me, but I do have a responsibility not to waste words.

There is a famous author whose famous line penned from first-person perspective reinforces the power of an individual response with its poignancy rarely more relatable than during recent weeks.

"It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived." wrote Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird.

In recent weeks, acts of bravery have dominated our news feeds along with a deplorable act of bastardry with the unjust declaration of war on Ukraine by Russia.

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Sashay Your Way To Bioluminescence

Disagreement can be positive, while conflict rarely leads to the outcomes the argument desires to solve.

A rip pushes the waves into conflict as the water rushes from the sand back out to sea, desperate to escape.

Across Australia with hot summers and warmer autumns that conflict can be dangerous, but it can also be of assistance as surfers harness the current to catch just one more wave.

But if you ever hear the call and find yourself guided by the moonlight of the night, make sure you sashay your way to bioluminescence.

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When the Wind Blows

Geoffrey Dyer is dead.

He painted Richard Flanagan and won the Archibald Prize in 2003.

I am reading Flanagan's new novel.

Artists and writers inspire me: their craft, their dedication, their toil, and their need.

They are like old friends.

I had a glass of something with Dyer and a glass of something else with Flanagan in a bar on Salamanca.

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