Posts tagged wind
"And the wind owes me nothing"

At times, there is a story for every occasion. I just must remember not to tell the same one twice. At other times there is nothing.

Writing fulfils me, but I do not profess to be any good.

Writing makes me happy as much as it tends to frustrate.

Selfishly, I did not set out for people to read my column.

"Think I've nailed it this week," I proclaim to Mrs W.

"You say that every week," she laments.

And that's why readers owe me nothing.

Here's to the next 150.

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When the Wind Blows

Geoffrey Dyer is dead.

He painted Richard Flanagan and won the Archibald Prize in 2003.

I am reading Flanagan's new novel.

Artists and writers inspire me: their craft, their dedication, their toil, and their need.

They are like old friends.

I had a glass of something with Dyer and a glass of something else with Flanagan in a bar on Salamanca.

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