Posts tagged politics
#182 "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"

Pop icon Madonna wrote in the introduction to her song, Sorry:

Je suis désolé

Lo siento

Ik ben droevig

Sono spiacente


In the end it doesn't matter which language you choose, if you can lessen a victim-survivor's suffering and grief and assist their recovery, just take personal responsibility and offer a timely and sincere apology "without explanation or excuse".

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#172 Use Idioms, but Don't Take Us for Idiots

Leave it out! Use idioms to press your case, but do not take us for idiots. The Tasmanian public is thankful that politicians are asking questions and holding the state and federal governments to account.

We have stakeholders in empty bars telling us not to overreact as restaurants close due to a lack of staff.

There are cafes and eateries resorting to takeaway service because they dare not risk exposure.

Thankfully, the Premier has chosen to be more circumspect, prefacing most sentences with, "I don't wish to sugar coat it".

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Finding Our Feet

There appears little room left in the Australian political landscape for big picture thinking. And with recent and historical events and disclosures uncovering a cretinous and perverted culture that we often surmised existed in the corridors of power, big picture moments of transformation will be left to artists - not the so-called thinkers who gather in Canberra to shout at each other.

By example, transitioning from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Constitutional Republic will occur in my lifetime. However, it appears that the current political class do not have the conviction, nor the following to bring this much needed reform to fruition, at least anytime soon.

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"O Captain! My Captain!"

Being the public face of leadership during a significant and ongoing crisis is relentless. Day after day of press conferences answering, or not answering, questions and attempting to share information in an unpredictable environment is tough work.

Due to the tragedy of coronavirus deaths and the loss of businesses and livelihoods, there will be also be a mental health impact across the community.

Mental health is important to all of us. Staying strong during times of challenge or crisis or failure or grief or loss is difficult for the most durable minds. Mental health should not be weaponised,nor hidden or forbidden from conversation.

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