"...the last best hope of earth"

The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, said in his second annual message to Congress on December 1, 1862: "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country".

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Part 7 - The Substitute Teacher

It is important to reassure substitute teachers that you are not going to harm your children's life chances. This crisis is like nothing most of us have ever seen. It has interrupted every aspect of our being with many critically ill and thousands of people dying across the world. Therefore, simply spending time with your children, whenever you can, is non-negotiable.

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The Postcard

My Aunt Margaret sent mum an old postcard, stamped in England where my father was working for the Royal Mail after leaving the Royal Air Force. On the front, a photo of Trafalgar Square and Nelson’s Column, London by John Hinde, F.R.P.S. And on the back a beautifully handwritten message, which defies the fact that dad left school at 14 years of age, and simply reads…

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Treading the Boards

Wandering through the Basin Café, I am trying to look relaxed, searching in vain for the event director of the 2018 Qantas Australian Tourism Awards.

The café is far from unfamiliar, although dramatically renovated since the days we used to pause for a lemonade icy pole after a session of swimming and half-taped tennis ball cricket.

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Portrait, anecdoteBrian Wightman
Hey Jo

When you walk in, the studio is simple - a minimalist set-up delivering a popular news program.

Blue and green screens, an archaic autocue, a single television camera, two small desks with stools, a hard copy of the bulletin as a backup, and pencils to underline difficult to pronounce words and complex phrases complete the set.

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PortraitBrian Wightman